On March 18th, the Insula Felix Foundation, under the patronage of the Municipality of Milan, will host a conference: Nature, culture and traditions: the cases of India, Africa and Italy compared. The conference will address the theme of the representation of fauna in art and culture, focusing on iconographic traditions and pressing current issues linked to the conservation of the environment and biodiversity in our urbanized areas and rural areas. The conference will last the whole day, from 10:00 to 18:00, with a space for debate and discussion. Participation in person is free. For info and reservations: info@insulafelix.eu on line via Zoom: 10:00 – 13:00 morning session https://zoom.us/j/96699971897?pwd=YVByQW5sNmZJd3RDTTFrWGIzcVk2UT09 Meeting ID: 966 9997 1897 Access code: 835061 14:00 - 18:00 afternoon session https://zoom.us/j/97621630600?pwd=eGNOTHdXTXJxNklndGZPUXBGblBoUT09 Meeting ID: 976 2163 0600 Access code: 672397