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In this section you will find a selection of news items that
our foundation considers of interest.

Conference Nature, culture and traditions: 18th March 10:00-18:00

On March 18th, the Insula Felix Foundation, under the patronage of the Municipality of Milan, will host a conference: Nature, culture and traditions: the cases of India, Africa and Italy compared. The conference will address the theme of the representation of fauna in art and culture, focusing on iconographic traditions and pressing current issues linked to the conservation of the environment and biodiversity in our urbanized areas and rural areas. The conference will last the whole day, from 10:00 to 18:00, with a space for debate and discussion. Participation in person is free. For info and reservations: on line via Zoom: 10:00 – 13:00 morning session Meeting ID: 966 9997 1897 Access code: 835061 14:00 - 18:00 afternoon session Meeting ID: 976 2163 0600 Access code: 672397
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New library acquisitions

New books add to the library's holdings, for more information see the attached list

Books at Insula Felix: March 12nd, presentation of a new book series: Culture Artistiche del Medioevo

On March 12nd, at 5.30 pm, a new series will be presented: "Culture Artistiche del Medioevo", published by Franco Angeli. For info and reservations: or to follow live via Zoom:
ID riunione: 933 2507 2114
Codice d’accesso: 486325

Ianua. Genova nel Medioevo 2024 Athenaeum

New series of Conferences organized by the University of Genoa: IANUA. GENOA IN THE MIDDLE AGES 2024 ATHENAEUM to be held at Palazzo Ducale from 7th February to 5th June 2024.
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Books at Insula Felix: February, 21, the Foundation begins a new series of books presentations

Starting from February, 21, at 5.30 pm, a new series of books presentations will take place at the Foundation. We begin with Mauro Leone and its "Il senso impervio. Vette e abissi dell'interpretazione estrema". For info and reservations: and on line:
ID riunione: 957 2684 9537 Codice d’accesso: 260683

Fondazione C.I.S.A.M. – LXXI Study Week: Spoleto, 4th-10th April 2024

We would like to point out the program of the LXXI Study Week of the Italian Center for Early Middle Ages Foundation (C.I.S.A.M) to be held in Spoleto from 4th to 10th April 2024. The Insula Felix Foundation collaborates with CISAM by offering a scholarship. For more information visit the Projects section.
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